January 21 - January 25Monday January 28 is a PD Day!
Traffic Safety TeamBe part of our Traffic Safety Team! We are looking for parent volunteers to be part of our NEW Traffic Safety Team! Help guide our little bodies safely to the school...click here to join
Revised Traffic Guidelines for Montroyal Drop off and Pick up. North Vancouver Chess Championship February 15th!North Vancouver Chess Championship
Friday February 15, 2019 @Handsworth Secondary FREE 9:00am - 3:00pm Click here to register before February 8, 2019 Montroyal Programs Term 2:
School Contact Information
Montroyal Elementary School
5310 Sonora Drive
North Vancouver, BC V7R 3V8
Office: 604.903.3650
Fax: 604.903.3651
Absence Line: 604.903.3711
Montroyal Elementary Email
Montroyal Elementary School