April 29- May 3, 2019May 9, 2019 is....
MPAC Parents Feedback SurveyThe MPAC Parents feedback Survey is coming April 23rd!! Get those thoughts together and charge those laptops. Feedback from this SHORT online survey will guide next years MPAC Executive to set priorities, so be sure to have your voice heard!
The Secret PathOn April 29th the Indigenous Education Team is hosting a screening of The Secret Path at Centennial Theatre at 6:30pm. Mike Downie and Pearl Wenjack will be present to participate in the discussion following the film. Tickets are free, BUT seats are limited. Click here to get your tickets and for more info.
Term 3 ProgramsThere are a ton of exciting programs this term. Including Coding, Tennis, Chess, Ultimate Frisbee as well as our regular after care with North Vancouver Rec. Don't forget to register. Click here for full details.
Thank You! 44 Dresses ProjectTo everyone that donated to the 44 dresses project: THANK YOU!
Join our Team!! |
School Contact Information
Montroyal Elementary School
5310 Sonora Drive
North Vancouver, BC V7R 3V8
Office: 604.903.3650
Fax: 604.903.3651
Absence Line: 604.903.3711
Montroyal Elementary Email
Montroyal Elementary School